12 If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore.
In spite of his sins, David remained faithful to Yahweh. When he died, his son Solomon became king. When asked what he wanted from God, he asked for wisdom. However, Solomon would give in to the demands of his wives and built multiple sacrificial altars and shrines to their gods. In spite of the gift of a wise heart, he faltered. This would mark the end of a unified kingdom. God kept his promise, but Solomon failed. What do we ask of God?
I remember as a single parent of five trying to balance work, school and helping to care for an ailing parent asking God for patience. Opening the Bible, I read a sentence that I have never been able to find again which told me that God had already given me the requested gift. Oh boy! So, I had to ask myself what I was doing with my gift. I realized that what I really wanted was for everything to go so smoothly that I would have no need to practice patience. The next time I was stuck in the slowest lane in the store or on the highway, I said, “Thank you, Lord, for giving me an opportunity for practicing the gift of patience which you have given me.” I repeated this phrase when one of the kids wanted me attention while I was studying or preparing a lesson. I repeated it until I didn’t get upset by long lines, red lights or a child wanted my attention. There were times I failed as any one of those children will tell you. However, I keep working on it.
Solomon used his gift of wisdom in many ways, but his failure to remain faithful to Yahweh, the one true God was his downfall. May we all seek ways to use our gifts wisely, and remain faithful children of the one God.
Gracious God, you have promised us so much more than you promised David. You have promised us eternal life. As with David and Solomon, all we need to do is remain faithful. Please give us the wisdom and will that we need. Amen.