When you have a godly husband, a godly wife, children who respect their parents and who are loved by their parents, who provide for those children their physical and spiritual and material needs, lovingly, you have the ideal unit
– Jerry Falwell Sr.
History to Understand the Word of God
Want to know the history of the Books of Job? Click here.
Bible Reading
Today’s devotional reading is from the Book of Job 1:1-5. Please, read our recent devotional from the Letters of Paul to the Romans 2:1-11: Why Is It So Easy To Judge?
Job as a parent
Job was held with high regard by God (Job 1:8). Moreover, he was described as a blameless, upright man, who feared God and turned away from evil (verse 1). Additionally, he was given blessings and abundance, not only with earthly riches but as well as with children (verse 2-3).
What struck me the most about the character of Job is how he took care of his children. Besides being a good provider of what they needed, he also made sure that their spiritual bodies are looked after. In effect, He does this by waking up early every day and sacrificed burnt offerings to God to ask for His mercy on behalf of his children (verse 5). His reason? It may be that my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts. (verse 5).
Job and his way
Job is an example of a good father particularly, and a good parent in general. Because parents should not only be providing for their children on their physical needs but their spiritual needs too. In doing so, they do not only nourish their children’s spirit but theirs also.
We do not need to be parents in order to follow Job’s way. Accordingly, we are commissioned to spread the Gospel to the ends of the world (Mark 16:15-16). And we do this by speaking the Word and living it out. Aside from sharing the Good News, as Christians, we have the responsibility to pray for and with others. In fact, Jesus, as God, prays for us to the Father. So who are we to deny our time to pray for others?
This is the time for your journaling. Reflect on these questions. Ask the Holy Spirit to test your faith and your walk with Christ.
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? — 2 Corinthians 13:5 KJV
- Would you characterize yourself as like Job?
- Parents: How often do you pray for your children’s spiritual well-being?
- Children: Do you pray for your parents?
- How do you live your life as a Christian?
- If you are not yet a Christian, what are you waiting for? Accept Jesus Now.
- Challenge: Offer to pray with someone today.
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Almighty Father, the Holiest God. We thank you for all your provisions. You are indeed the perfect provider, our perfect Father. Moreover, we thank you for providing Jesus Christ, your Son, to be the perfect offering for our sins. O Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of salvation and eternal life with you, the Father and the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Spirit protect and preserve us from any harm and evil. Also, may the Holy Spirit guide us as we journey in this life towards you.
All these we ask in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.