Knowledge Is A Privilege And Also A Responsibility

The knowledge from the Scriptures, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, is a factor to help a person grow in Christ. Furthermore, without comprehending the Bible, one will have a hard time maturing in his or her Christian faith. Because the more you learn the more responsibilities God gives you. And this is evident in my walk with Christ.

I started knowing only the Bible stories I heard and read as a young child, even before I got saved. Moreover, I just understood the stories as they are presented to me. Additionally, I was not looking into the different meanings one can get when you are reading the Bible in a more in-depth manner. 

What can be wiser than in the highest sense to bless our fellow – to snatch a soul from the gulf that yawns, to lift it up to the heaven that glorifies, to deliver an immortal from the thralldom of Satan, and to bring him into the liberty of Christ?

– Charles Spurgeon

Bible Reading

Today’s devotional reading is from the Book of James 3:1-3. Please, read our recent devotional from the Book of Acts 7:54-60: Martyrdom: Are You Ready To Be The First In Line?

Knowledge And Responsibility

As the famous line of Uncle Ben, with great power; comes great responsibility. It can never be far from the truth for Christians. In the like manner, we have a great responsibility to share what we know about our salvation, and that is Jesus Christ crucified. Moreover, the more understanding we get from the Holy Spirit as we study the word of God daily, the more we are accountable for this knowledge.

Jesus said, But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating. Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more (Luke 12:48).

Furthermore, this teaching applies to His followers. Jesus commanded us, as His followers, to share our knowledge about Jesus and our hope in Him. 

Pastors and teachers of our faith are among many that need our constant prayers. They are given more responsibility for they teach and guide the flock of Christ. Furthermore, the pastors and teachers face the danger of wrongly interpreting the word of God, as an attack by the enemy. And this possibility can occur if we do not pray for the Holy Spirit to guide them in their studies and preaching.

Therefore, let us be reminded to include all Christian pastors and teachers, especially your local pastors, in our daily prayer.


This is the time for your journaling. Reflect on these questions. Ask the Holy Spirit to test your faith and your walk with Christ.

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? — 2 Corinthians 13:5 KJV.
  1. Is your knowledge based on good or evil?
  2. How do you use your knowledge?
  3. Do you feel responsible for what you know?
  4. What are your strategies for sharing your knowledge?
  5. What are the sources of your knowledge?
  6. Are you willing to know Christ? Accept Jesus Now.

Are you a good person? Take a quiz.


Heavenly Father, source of all things pure and holy. We ask that you bless and guide our pastors, teachers and elders that are helping us in our walk with Christ. May you use them as your instruments to bring people close to you with the knowledge of Jesus Christ’s works on the cross. 

O Lord, Jesus Christ, thank you for the gift of eternal life. And as we wait for your second coming may we use this time to share our hope that is in you to others who are still lost. 

Grant us, Holy Spirit, the wisdom and knowledge as we read God’s word daily. We pray these things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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