Where Do You Stand Amidst The Chaos In The World?

I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world, than stand with the world and be judged by God.

Grace Wesley – God’s not Dead 2

Life often brings situations that are as calm seas or as raging tempest. And a person’s faith is tested during these times. Most of us, calls to Him when the battle is hard. But, how often do we seek God in our lives on those serene moments?

Why ask this question? Because often times it is ourselves who creates the ripples to the calmness of the sea. Like the Israelites, we allow the world to lead us away from Him who gives us nothing but good. Furthermore, we forget Him who never forgot about us, and we neglect Him who never stopped caring for us.


There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another? — James 4:12 KJV


When Jesus said, take up your cross and follow Me (Matthew 16:24-26), He did not mean that the journey will be easy going. He, Himself, underwent lots of rejections and hardships. So who are we to rationalize that everything will be easy. Jesus warned us, you will be hated by the world for it hated Me first (John 15:18-25). However, would this hate shake your faith on Jesus Christ? I hope you answered a big NO.

Despite what people might say, you should be able to stand your convictions. And how you can do this, is by grounding yourself on the word of God (An Exhausting Battle Awaits: Equip Yourself Now!). On this note, one should read, study and reflect on the scriptures daily. How often do you eat in a day? We eat to nourish our physical bodies. How about our spiritual health? I will leave that up to you.

God gave us a saving grace through Jesus Christ. He gave it to us freely, if we repent and turn from our sins. We should humble ourselves and submit to the one who can both save or destroy us. There is a saying that God hates the sin not the sinner. Although this is true, it does not mean His wrath will not fall upon those who have sinned.


This is the time for your journaling. Reflect on these questions. Ask the Holy Spirit to test your faith and your walk with Christ.

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? — 2 Corinthians 13:5 KJV
  1. Are your ways in accordance to the world or the will of God?
  2. How often do you speak with God in your day?
  3. How is your study of the scriptures?
  4. What is your understanding in following Jesus Christ?
  5. What is your attitude during trials?


Heavenly Father, we know we have sinned against You. We do ask for your forgiveness and may you send the Holy Spirit to give us a repentive heart. May we see our sinfulness and turn away from our wicked ways. We thank You for Jesus Christ, who gave up His life and accepted Your wrath on our behalf. May we serve You, as we live by the examples of Jesus Christ, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

All these we pray, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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