With God versus Without God

10 VirginsHow time flies by so fast, we are on the last week of the month. We are on the last few chapters on the Gospel of Matthew and half way through the book of Genesis. Do not forget to continue reading the other chapters during the week so you can know the entire picture of how God loves His people (us).

Every week we will dive in one chapter each from the Old and New Testament. We will study the scripture and reflect on the verse(s) that touched us the most.

You may notice that I skip chapters, this is to provide you your personal time to read the other chapters during the week.

Remember, reading the Bible is not just to memorize verses, it is most importantly to get to know God personally.


Genesis 26 / Matthew 25

Brief Overview:

Genesis 26 is titled as the “Failure of Isaac” and “Failure of Esau”. God commanded Isaac to proceed to the place where He promised Abraham and his seed will inherit. God promised that He will be with him and his family during the journey. But Isaac disobeyed God but went to Gerar where God told him not to go. Because of Isaac’s disobedience, his family suffered during their stay at Gerar. They were cast out, their wells were covered by earth and they were drove out by the Philistines. While the failure of Esau was choosing women to wife that his parents did not approve of.

Matthew 25 is consist of 2 parables ( Parables of the 10 virgins and Talents) and an explanation of how the Gentiles will be judged. All these shows how people are different from each other yet the same in some point. The passages describes firstly on how we can prepare for Christ’s coming, if we are going to be like the 5 wise virgins who were ready or be like the 5 foolish virgins who were not prepared when the bridegroom’s arrival. Secondly, prior Jesus’ arrival how we act and use the different gifts He has blessed us with. Are we going to be like the first two servants who used the talents wisely and made sure that what was give to them was put in a good use or be like the third servant who hid his talents and did not made any efforts in using what was given to him. Lastly, this chapter in Matthew illustrated how the judgement day will be like. That on that day we will be segregated according to our actions here on earth and will be judge according to God’s decision.

Gen. 26:24 KJV “… I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and I will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham sake.”
Matt. 25:41 KJV “Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:”

The difference between people who have God with them and without can be explained in these two verses. God gives us our judgement, whether we follow Him or not. However, the result of His judgement differs. God, because of His grace, grants eternal life to those who believes in Him through Jesus and for others His wrath (John 3:16, 36).

Believing maybe a simple and easy word for others but for a genuine Christian it means repenting from all our sins, and living as a new person in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit creates a new person in us and our old self dies with our sins. But that does not stop there, everyday as a new being we are to walk with Christ in everything we do, knowing that our identity is with Him.

Temptations will be lurking at every corner and demons will be wasting no time to device plans and tricks just to hinder us from walking with God. But do not be frightened for we are not alone, we will have the Holy Spirit to guide and protect us in our journey towards Christ.

How we can know if the Holy Spirit is guiding us? Simple, by using our God given conscience and making sure that we read and reflect on God’s words everyday. And when circumstances overwhelms us and we fall into sin, remember God’s mercy is new every morning (Lamentations 3:22–23).


Almighty God, we adore Your Name. We thank you for we know You are just and forgiving. May You forgive us for our sins. Send Your Holy Spirit to us to guide and protect us from the deeds of the evil ones. We entrust to You Father our lives and we trust Jesus as our savior. Amen.

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