Lustful Mind is Corrupted Heart

Today’s study scripture from Matthew 5:27-30 The nature of humanity First, I want us to go back to the book of Genesis chapter 3. This is the beginning of the end. Indeed, if Genesis 3:6 was something like, “..and Eve said unto serpent, NO, I do not believe you, liar..“, then the Bible would be […]
Angry Enough to Murder

Today’s study scripture from Matthew 5:21-26 Have you ever desired for someone bad things? For your loved ones or enemies? For your friends or strangers? Moreover, have you ever in your life hated someone that much, that in you heart you wished him/her a death? What’s more, have you ever expressed your hatred towards a […]
Jesus Christ Fulfills the Law

This is our 3rd lesson in the series of The Sermon on the Mount. You can skip right to the main part of this lesson or continue reading if you have not read lessons about The Beatitudes and The Similitudes. I will briefly cover them in the next two sections. Briefly about the Beatitudes At […]
The Similitudes of Beatitudes

A couple of weeks ago, we had Scripture reading of Matthew 5:1-12. In that passage, Jesus opened His Sermon on the Mount by introducing to the disciples and gentiles The Beatitudes – the guidelines for saints and believers. This “sermon” probably covered several days of preaching. Christ continues with The Similitudes. Matthew 5:13-16 King James […]
The Beatitudes – Jesus’ guidelines for Believers

Today’s study scripture from Matthew 5:3-12 The Sermon on the Mount has been recorded by Matthew in chapter 5 through 7 as the teachings of Jesus Christ. The message was directed to “his disciples” only, not to the “multitudes.” In a sense, that the teachings was given during transitional period between the Mosaic economy (religion, […]