How Can You Establish And Perfect Your Faith?

Do you not realize that the love the Father bestowed on the perfect Christ, He now bestows on you? – C.H. Spurgeon It is not a coincidence that the verse for today is about faith. Yesterday, I had a wonderful day spending time with a friend and her daughter. My friend shared with me a […]
How To Know If Temptation’s Effects Are Good?

Temptations in the life of faith are not accidents; each temptation is part of a plan, a step in the progress of faith. Oswald Chambers Our faith, no matter what you believe, is tested every day. Each one of us faces challenges that either make or breaks our faith. Laziness is one of my biggest […]
How To Know When A Teaching Is False

False teachers of the way of life use flowery words. Bruce Lee December 2019, my husband and I got pregnant. It was a cheerful and delighted moment for us. And it was my first pregnancy, I searched for books that might guide me. Then I came across a book by Jackie Mize entitled “Supernatural Childbirth”. […]
Your Life Begins Depends On Where Your Commitment Lies

I am often undecisive, and I know it is not a good attribute. It hinders you from being excited on what lies ahead and makes you focus on a lot of “what ifs” that might happen. For instance, I remember the time I have to make a decision on what I would take as a […]
An Exhausting Battle Awaits: Equip Yourself Now!

By means of the Bible we are adequately equipped for everything required of us. Paul Washer, Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church (p.10) I love Bible stories when I was a kid, stories about Moses, Noah’s Ark, Jonah and the Giant Fish. But sad to say that I did not push through reading these stories […]
For Good Or Evil? Do You Understand God’s Scheme?

God won’t allow anything happen in your life if it’s not for your good. Nick Vujicic I had a recent conversation with a friend about our careers. We are both working as nurses, but on different areas. She is on acute care and I, on the other hand, am working with the elderlies. In our […]
Discover God’s Love & Grace To Motivate You Daily

There is no such thing as a great man of God, only weak, pitiful, faithless men of a great and merciful God. Paul David Washer What a dead man can do? Apparently, nothing! What a bunch of dead men can do? Also, nothing. Definitely, a dead man cannot help neither himself, nor his dead friend. […]
Hardships Results to Patience and Faithfulness

Life is an interesting journey. There are times that our lives run smoothly, without obstacles. For some, there might be challenges and hardships that comes their way. This situations are not avoidable. But how do we react or response to these barriers? When I am face with the hurdles of life, there are few Bible […]
Attention, You have a good News for the World

In the old times, news was everything. People who lived in the distanced villages were waiting for some random traveler to come and to share the breaking news from the far land. Nowadays, with all the connectivity through the World Wide Web and popularization of Social media people get closer to each other, despite thousands […]
The Greatest Sacrifice

When was the last time you sacrificed something for someone? Last week’s insight, we talked about sin – Are We Sinning? – and what it is the real meaning of it. On this week’s discussion, we will tackle the payment for our sins and compare it to how sins were cleansed in the Old Testament. […]